Driving & Walking Tours | Monuments | John Hunt Morgan in Kentucky | Fort Heiman
Russellville, Ky
17. Confederate Monument Town Square, Russellville (Logan County)
Limestone block arch with bronze figure and eagle, 1910
Inscription (front): Confederate Soldiers 61-65 Camp Caldwell U. C. V. 139
Inscription (rear): Deo Vindice
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The location is significant since Russellville was the site where the provisional Confederate state government was launched. In November 1961, 116 delegates representing 68 counties met in the Russellville Clark building. The convention resulted in the admission of Kentucky as a Confederate state in December of that year.
russellville2.JPG (7511 bytes) Questions/Activities:

Translate the Latin inscription on the rear of the monument.

Investigate the history of the eagle as an American symbol. Create a report on eagles of North America.

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